1. SAMIKHIYA invites original unpublished research-based papers, articles in the field of Management, Economics, Social Sciences, Mathematical Sciences including computer sciences and statistics.
  2. Submit your manuscripts in Microsoft word file through this email id -
  3. Every manuscript should contain the covering letter, which includes the corresponding author full address and telephone/fax numbers and should be uploaded at due places, with the file.
  4. Manuscript should be accompanied by an abstract of 200-250 words.
  5. Manuscript must not be more than 3500 words.
  6. Manuscript should be sent along with the authorization letter in favour of the Chief Editor, stating that it may be published after necessary editing.
  7. Manuscript should be in Times New Roman font, on A-4 Size paper typed in 1.5 space, in 12-point size with at least 1 inch margin on both sides.
  8. Manuscript should follow Chicago style of referencing.
  9. References, appendices, Table should contain source, units of measurement and their location should be indicated in the paper. All tables must be placed at the end of paper after references. Font size of text in table must not be more than 12 with only 1 spacing. Footnotes must be avoided unless otherwise absolutely necessary.
  10. Authors must ensure the originality of their manuscripts using internationally accepted plagiarism detection software such as Drillbit or Turnitin. The plagiarism report should also be attached or uploaded with the manuscript submission.
  11. Copy right of all accepted papers for publication and use in any form, in text or image, other electronic format or such other format or such other media as may now exist or hereafter be discovered, will vest with the SAMIKHIYA Journal, Mata Sundri College for Women, University of Delhi. Permission to make digital /hardcopy of published work may be granted without fee for personal or classroom use.
  12. For any query the editors may be contacted at
  13. Click here to download the template for the Research Paper
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